Devotional writing, poetry, photographs by Susie Hale and Susan Slade - Check out our website and make donations at and follow our Bible studies at and
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sometimes it’s hard to understand why the Lord allows certain things.
I must remember he’s a righteous judge. Then in my joy, I will sing.
The day is coming when his truth will reign, and all the earth will be glad.
He will judge the world in righteousness, and justice will finally be had.
Rejoicing heavens, jubilant fields, a glad earth, and resounding seas
will be joined by all the trees of the forest, the rejoicing, singing trees.
Many times I do not understand the Lord’s mysterious ways,
But I can depend upon his love and trust him with all of my days.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Psalm 96 - Sing to the Lord a New Song

In both I see the splendor
of God’s creativeness.
Great is the Lord!
Let the song of my heart be fresh every day.
May each morning bring a new reason to praise.
Lord, help me to proclaim your salvation and glory.
Wherever you lead me, may my lips tell the story
of your marvelous deeds among the children of men.
Open their ears that they may turn to you then.
For you, Lord, are great and most worthy of praise.
Help me follow your will and recognize your ways.
You made the heavens: your splendor amazes.
Your strength and your glory evoke my praises.
Each morning help me discover new reasons to praise.
Let the song of my heart be fresh every day!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I cannot help but sing and shout for joy to the Rock of my salvation.
I must come before him with thanksgiving, singing in exultation:
for he is ruler over everything, holding the world in his hands.
He made the sea, and from nothingness spoke into being dry land.
Join me in bowing down to pay homage, to worship the Lord, our maker.
For we are the flock that he shepherds, and he is our loving Caretaker.
Come let us sing for joy, let us shout to the all powerful King.
Give thanks with me to the Lord, our God, and thank him for everything!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Psalm 93 - Robed in Majesty
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Psalm 86 - An Undivided Heart
May my inmost understanding be united to you.
Help me to be undivided in my devotion
and my love for you much more than emotion.
May my words, my songs, bring glory to your name,
and may my attitudes and actions do the same.
For your love for me is far beyond measure,
and my relationship with you is my greatest treasure.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Psalm 84 - House of God

in the place you are preparing for me.
I have put my trust, all my hope in you;
so someday jeweled gates and streets of gold I’ll see.
On earth my soul yearns, looking forward to the day
when your courts will forever be my home.
I run to you for refuge on life’s stormy days,
and my heart cries, even so, Lord Jesus, come.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Psalm 68 - Sing to the Lord

I will play my piano and sing praise to his name out loud.
I rejoice before the Lord my God, and love to sing his praise;
The father of orphans, defender of widows, to him my song I raise.
From his holy dwelling, he saw my lonely heart.
So he sent two teenagers, so we could be a part
of a family crafted by a heavenly father who looked down on us in love.
And now I simply must raise my songs to our wonderful God above!
He gave this barren woman children; and has now made me a grandmother.
He is the one who rides on the clouds. I will praise him and no other.
Friday, February 13, 2009
About the Poems
Psalm 67 - Our God Will Bless Us

You have delivered me from evil into the glow from your face.
I’m elated and sing for joy, praise to you I raise.
May others see your work in me and also lift their praise.
You guide the nations of the earth. Your rule o’er us is just.
May all the people praise you; may your blessing fall on us.
For you are worthy of our fear and worthy of our trust.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Psalm 63 - Thirsting for God
When my mouth is dry, my foremost thought is, “Water, I must have water!”
And thus my soul cries out to God, “I thirst for you! Come satisfy my soul!”
I pine for the Lord. I long intensely for intimacy with my Father.
My body cries, “Without you, my Lord, my Savior, I cannot be whole!”
I know my appetite for God, will be completely sated.
He promises to fill those who hunger and thirst for him.
Even during the night, I think of Christ and am elated.
I can sing his praise, and cling to the Lord, even when all seems dim.
The love the Lord gives is more precious than life, great is his mighty power.
So I will praise and glorify my King, giving him all of my days.
My passion will be devotion to Christ and trusting him every hour.
He satisfies my longings like a fantastic dessert. I reserve for him all my praise.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Psalm 61 - Sheltered

Owls shelter their young and even teach them how to hunt prey by dropping prey near them instead of bringing it right to the baby. They also model hunting for them.
I know I’ll be sheltered under your wings, guided to the Rock who is strong.
For Jesus will be my refuge, my strong tower to shelter from harm.
When I cry out, I know you will hear me, calm me, help me not be alarmed.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Psalm 47 - Sing His Praise

You made the earth from nothing. You control the clouds in the sky.
You alone subdue the nations, you are awesome and to be feared.
Yet you extend me the privilege of calling you Father, you who are to be revered.
I sing your praises; for you are worthy, terrible yet loving Lord.
I will sing to you a hymn of praise found written in your word.
Monday, February 9, 2009

You lead me to the deep water of your word
Your death on the cross enables me
You guide me to be a witness to you,
Even if I find myself near death on this earth,
For your rod of correction and staff of protection
You lay out a banquet and welcome me,
You show me your favor in my enemies’ presence.
Your goodness, loving-kindness, and mercy
When you call me, I will be welcome forever
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Psalm 1 - Like a Tree

standing placidly with sinners, or sitting down to rest with those who mock.
Rather, I am to take joy in studying your word, chewing on it throughout the day,
and deciding that the path I learn from your word is where I’ll walk.
Your word is for me like water to the trees, helping me grow and bear fruit.
Drinking deeply from your word will allow me to mature and not to faint.
The wicked man who is not in your word you describe as worthless chaff,
and a certain outcome of death is the picture of him you paint.
Because I have obeyed your word and am covered with the righteousness of Christ,
you tenderly watch over my path, guiding me to join you someday.
But the way of the wicked, those who reject your salvation,
will perish as chaff from the threshing floor blows away.