Wednesday, February 27, 2019



Receive my instruction, and not silver;
and knowledge rather than choice gold.
For wisdom is better than rubies;
and all the things that may be desired
are not to be compared to it.
Proverbs 8:10-11 (KJV)

I (Susan) love pretty jewelry, especially precious stones. I enjoy looking at ridiculously expensive rings and necklaces online. But however nice it would be to own such trinkets, they cannot compare to the treasures I find in the word of God. When Susie and I first started working together, I nearly exhausted her by trying to keep up a study and writing schedule that had us posting to a blog six days a week! I had experienced such a drought as far as being able to really dig in and mine the jewels from the Bible, that my appetite for scripture was insatiable!  I may be able to wear a ruby or star sapphire a few times for special occasions, but they really are not much use other than that. But the word of God treasured up in my heart gives me wisdom to face each day in the power of the Holy Spirit. Seeking wisdom by seeking Jesus in the pages of His love letter, the Holy Bible, is far better than having enough money to buy precious jewels. It is in the pages of His word that I learn that I am His treasure, His precious jewel. He holds me in His hand, and He will never let go (John 10:27-29). It is far better to be the Lord’s precious jewel than to own all the precious jewels in the world!

Father, thank You for showing me that in the weaknesses of my earth-suit, burdened as it is with CP, I can soar in Your strength because I am Your daughter and Your treasured precious jewel.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019



But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not:
for of such is the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:16

The words used for little children, and the fact that Jesus took them up in His arms, points to these being babies and toddlers. We may think that children this small cannot comprehend the concept of giving their lives over to Jesus’s control. However, we have known of children who made a firm commitment to Jesus at an early age. Susie’s mother surrendered her life to the Lord at six years old and never waivered in her conviction that He was the Son of God. Susan was saved while in pre-school! Jimmy Draper, former pastor of First Baptist Euless gave his life to Jesus at the age of five or six and was called to preach in his pre-teen or early teen years. Children accept Jesus with a simple and humble trust. But even those who are not mature enough to realize their salvation are shown the love of Jesus by a church congregation who allows them to come to the altar, to talk to the minister, and to make early steps toward understanding God’s grace. We are not to hinder or dissuade young children who express a desire to know Jesus better. We are to embrace them and show them the way at their individual level of understanding. We teach them the basic Bible stories, songs about Jesus, and short memory verses. Even if they do not fully understand these things, we are helping them to place God’s word in their hearts. Who knows how the Holy Spirit may use those things they have learned? We model giving Jesus priority in our lives and the importance of reading the Bible. If a child tugs on your arm and wants to pray or talk about Jesus, drop what you are doing and make time to bring to the Master to be blessed. A child will grow up to be a church member, and the early lessons we teach them will help them be contributing members of a congregation someday. Take time to show the love of Jesus to the least of these, the little children who have open hearts to hear about Him.

Lord, help us to treasure the gifts you have given us in our children. Remind us to pray for them and take time for them, especially time to share about You with even the very young children. Thank You for the people who poured into our own lives when we were children. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019



I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.
Psalm 119:32

Rather than an enlarged heart, the Amplified version translates it as a “heart that is willing.” People may try to be good in their own strength, but we cannot truly be righteous apart from Jesus. The only way to be right with God is by placing our trust in the Lord Jesus by faith: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6 KJV). Then we ask, where does pursuing His commandments come in? Psalm 119:32, when seen in the light of the New Testament, is clear. When a person surrenders his or her life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in them. The Holy Spirit makes us willing and empowers us to run purposefully after God’s ways. Before I, Susie, surrendered my life to Jesus, I would trudge through reading a few verses each day in order to mark the little box on my offering envelope “read Bible daily”. It was a chore to complete because it was expected of me. However, now that I know the Lord, I long to know Him more intimately; and reading His word is something the Holy Spirit has given me a desire to do. He has made me willing to pursue God’s instruction. Susan, on the other hand, knew Jesus at an early age but was unable to get into the word without help from others. When she was finally able to turn the pages of a large print Bible for herself, she devoured it like one who had been starving. After checking over her work at school, she would hurry to spend the rest of the time in the Word of God since it wasn’t against the rules. The Bible was a safe place for her during times of turmoil.

Father, by Your Holy Spirit indwelling us, make us willing to pursue Your will and Your ways in Your word. Give us an insatiable desire to know You more intimately by pouring over Your love letter to us, the Bible

Tuesday, February 5, 2019



I have rejoiced
in the way of thy testimonies,
as much as in all riches.
Psalm 119:14 (KJV)

Testimonies can also be translated decrees, laws, rules, or instructions. How many children do you know who REJOICE because of their parents’ rules? As adults we realize all the rules and instructions, the “laying down of the law” in our childhood homes was for our own good, but we sure could not see it at the time. Children are convinced curfews and limitations are meant to keep them from having fun, but their parents are attempting to keep them safe in a dangerous, fallen world. The same is true for the rules the Lord has set forth for us in the Bible. They are designed to help us navigate this world by sticking to the path He has chosen for us, the path that keeps us in constant fellowship with Jesus, our best Friend. Jesus Himself said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you (John 15:13-14). In Psalm 119:1, we learned that we are to “walk in the light” which is reinforced by John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” When we realize that the commands in God’s word help us to walk in the light, and walking in the light deepens our relationship with Jesus and fellow believers, then we can truly rejoice in God’s rules. Jesus is the Captain of the Host, the Lord of God’s armies, (Joshua 5:13-15). He commands us, and we need to obey. When we truly see the value of God’s word, His instructions, we will treasure it more than any earthly riches. Adults who had loving parents, treasure the instructions they were given as children because they now understand the intent was to protect them rather than annoy them. Mature believers are thankful for the commands found in the Bible because we know God uses them to guide us.

Father, help us to treasure Your rules rather than to rebel against them. Help us to seek Your will and Your ways each day. Empower us to be obedient children and faithful soldiers under Your command.