Friday, April 28, 2017


Luke 24:51–53

And it came to pass, while he blessed them,
he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
 And they worshipped him, 
and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:
And were continually in the temple, 
praising and blessing God. 

It would have to have been a miraculous occurrence that the disciples could rejoice even though their Rabbi, their Savior, was leaving them.  Before Jesus was caught up in the clouds, He had given them confidence that the promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit, would come to them in Jerusalem.  They were instructed to wait in the city for this promise to be fulfilled.   The presence of the Holy Spirit would strengthen and maintain the intimacy that each one of the disciples, including the women, had created with Jesus in their everyday, present, tangible experiences with Him.  When the Spirit came upon them, it was in the form of tongues of flame! They were immediately enabled to testify about Jesus boldly in languages they had never studied!

Even though we no longer perceive God in the Person of Jesus with our five senses, His presence is still strong in the lives of believers via the work of the Holy Spirit.  The way we now maintain an intimate relationship with our Lord is by Bible study, illuminated by the Spirit within us, and by prayer.  How much time do you devote to developing this most important of all relationships? Are you reading the word with anticipatory joy, looking forward in eager expectation to how the Spirit will move in your life?

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