Friday, April 1, 2016


The Light of the world is Jesus, the perfect Lamb who frees us.
Heavenly Light who pierces the darkness and cannot be extinguished.
Eternal Offspring of God radiating the majesty and glory of His Father.

Lovingly lights the road to the Father by giving us the lamp of His word.
Illuminates everything that separates us from truth and life with Him.
Grants us grace through faith to be brought from darkness to light.
Honors us to become like a full moon reflecting His Sonlight.
Truth embraced assures a place living forever in the light of His glory.

If you grew up in church as I did, you probably memorized John 3:16 and maybe John 3:17. We all love to remember that Jesus died to save all those who believe and trust in Him. However, we do not like to hear about the other possibility. Light is a marvelous thing if you do not mind being seen. However, if you are not looking your best, you may want to avoid the spotlight. The only way we can have nothing to hide from God is to surrender our lives to Jesus and allow His Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out. Jesus is a spotlight shining down on us. Do you feel a need to run and hide in the shadows, or can you confidently stand in the Light because you have been saved by God’s grace?

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