Sunday, December 11, 2016


COMMITMENT – We talk about commitment in the marriage relationship, but Ruth’s commitment was to her mother-in-love. Perhaps this was an extension of her love and commitment to her husband or because she admired and loved Naomi, not just as a mother-in-law but as a friend. Her commitment extended not just to Naomi but to the Lord. It was a commitment for the rest of their lives, until death parts us.

COMMITMENT – It is difficult to find that type of commitment today. The divorce rate, even among Christians, has skyrocketed. Very few people have “life-long” friends. Susan and I have something extremely rare and precious – a commitment to be Mother-Sister-Friends depending on what each of needs at the moment. When Susan came to live in my apartment, I knew this would be a commitment for the rest of her life or mine depending on which one the Lord receives home first (Susan always says we hope we go together, leaving neither behind). However, I did not truly understand the level of love God has given us for each other until we stepped out in faith to be roommates.

COMMITMENT – Sometimes extremely difficult but ultimately soooooooo worth it!

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