Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Blazing Avenger

The blazing Avenger 
who throws evil into hell
is the same loving Savior 
in whose arms I long to dwell.
The one who troubles troublers 
with His angels at his side
is the Christ who prepares 
a place in heaven for his bride.

“God is just: He will pay back trouble 
to those who trouble you
and give relief to you who are troubled, 
and to us as well.
This will happen when the Lord Jesus 
is revealed from heaven in blazing fire
 with his powerful angels.”
II Thessalonians 1:6-7 (NIV)

anĕsis425 – relaxation or (fig.) relief: - eased, liberty, rest

thlibō2346 – to crowd (lit. or fig.): - afflict, narrow, throng, suffer tribulation, trouble

            Stuck in the crowd, she could only go where the mob carried her. At the intersection of hallways, someone pushed her; and the throng spat her out into the English hall. She had no choice but to go that way even though her class was in the opposite direction. Earlier in the day, the unwavering press of her fellow students held her captive at the scene of a fight that ended in blood and police officers. Her first day as the new kid in an overcrowded high school was a terrifying experience.
            The world presses in on us, persecutes us, and seems to narrow any possibility of escape to freedom. We are troubled. Sometimes we wonder why justice has vanished. However, the Lord warns us that in this world we will have tribulation, but he also reminds us that he has overcome the world.  The hope of future glory far outweighs our present sufferings (Romans 8:18-25). When Christ returns and we are caught up in the clouds, we will have relief, liberty, and rest from the pressure of the crowd. To be able to relax in the kingdom of heaven free from fear and tension forever is the hope we hold on to.
            I love the song “This World is Not My Home” because it reminds me that I’m not supposed to feel at home here. My home, my refuge, my ultimate place to relax, is in the place Christ has prepared for me.  He promised that he will return to take me to my place in his Father’s house (John 14), and when he does he will also send those who do evil to the place where they belong. I am assured of heaven, not because I deserve it; but because Jesus died and rose again to secure my home there. When the road to that home seems narrow because of afflictions, tribulations, and troubles of this world, I’ll ask the Lord to help me focus on the fact that “I’m just a-passin’ through.”  God is merciful.God is just. Relief will come and last for eternity.
            Father, help me to keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith so I will have the stamina I need in times of trouble (Hebrews 12:2-3). Thank you for the many passages in your word that remind me that my present state is only temporary, but the glory that you will provide in heaven is eternal. How I long for the day of Christ’s return when we will be caught up in the clouds!

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