Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Lord, you understand the complexity of my mind
Because it was formed by your hands.
You can enhance my comprehension
So I can learn your commands.
Help me absorb your word, Lord.
Let it become my delight.
And may these internalized precepts
Help me stay on the path that is right.

    A professor once explained to me that people’s minds sort information in different ways.  Some people have file cabinets all lined up in their minds, and their thought process finds the right drawer, opens it, and searches for the particular file needed to remember the requested information.  Other people have a circular file that spins around tossing out ideas all the times, and their thought process combines these files into the requested information and usually some additional related material.  My mind is the spinning type.  In fact, sometimes it’s almost dizzying as I go into information overload.
        No matter how your mind works, God understands it far better than the simple illustration above.  God knows exactly how the energy that translates into thought moves through your brain.  He created “neuro-transmitters.”  He created the human brain with all its intricacy.
        Therefore, the psalmist goes right to the source for help in understanding the word of God.  He asks the Lord to help him learn.  I believe we can do the same thing.  Before you begin reading scripture pray that God will open your eyes to his truth, help you to remember what you read, and show you how it applies in your life.  Read expecting the word to have meaning in your life. Then be careful to do whatever God shows you to do through his word.  Place God’s word in those file cabinets, so it will be there when you need it.  Then trust him to help your thoughts walk to the right drawer or spin out and combine truths from his word at just the moment that you need a word from him.  He is able to do this because he created the filing system of your particular brain! Praise the Lord!

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