Friday, July 28, 2017


MY KING (1 Timothy 1:17)
By Susie Hale
Precious Jewels Ministries

My King is eternal, without beginning or end.
Before time began, He was, before there were men.
My King is immortal, My God will never die.
He cannot decay. He forever reigns on high.
My King is invisible, a Spirit my eyes cannot see.
He can be everywhere at once and is always with me.
My King is the only God. There can be no other one.
He exists in three aspects, the Father, Spirit, and Son.
My King exudes wisdom for He created all things.
His glory fills His creation and makes my heart sing.
My King deserves honor, so before Him I kneel.
I will serve Him forever. His Holy Spirit is my seal.
My King has chosen me to be His own precious gem.
Forever and ever, I’ll sing praises to Him. 

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