Saturday, November 12, 2016


How do we build ourselves up in the faith? First, we make sure we are standing on our firm foundation, the Lord Jesus Christ. Surrendering our lives to Him and trusting Him alone to redeem us from sin is the only way to build a strong faith life. Next we pray in conjunction with the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, praying according to God’s will and seeking His ways in everything we do which is the framework. How do we abide in God’s love? By keeping His commandments (John 15:10). Our godly lives are the part of the house seen by others. The false teachers Jude exposed were doing the opposite of this by trusting in their own arrogance, denying the Spirit’s power, and blatantly tossing God’s commandments out the window to give in to their fleshly desires. Like them, false teachers today are tearing down rather than building up the faith. DO NOT FOLLOW THEM!

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