Friday, November 25, 2016

EVE - Mother of all Living

            When I hear the name Eve, often my first thought is “I wish you had said no to that serpent!” It is true that the sin of Adam and Eve in eating the forbidden fruit caused the cursed state of the earth and mankind.
          However, God in His grace killed animals to make clothing for the couple who had just realized they were naked. He pronounced the curse that women would have great pain in childbirth, but He allowed Eve, the fallen woman, to bear the first children. In fact, her name means “life giver,” the name her husband gave her because he realized that God’s command to them to be fruitful and multiply meant that his wife would be the mother of all living. Adam and Eve’s son, Seth, is listed in the lineage of Jesus! She was the Lord’s own great to the nth power grandmother. And wasn’t that the promise she received, that her Seed would crush the serpent’s head once for all?!
          The Bible is truly the story of redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the pages, in every book of God’s word. Eve was the first woman, the one who gave the forbidden fruit to Adam, the first mother to suffer the loss of a child who was murdered, the mother of the first murderer; but she was also the Mother of Christmas because Jesus’ lineage is traced to Seth, the son God gave her to replace Abel who was murdered by Cain.
          Have you rebelled against God? Have you denied His existence? Or just ignored Him thinking you have plenty of time to make up your mind about Jesus? Today is the day of salvation! Surrender your life to Jesus, the only way to a right relationship with the Creator, the Almighty God, today! He is the only One who can crush Satan’s power in your life! He offers you the free gift of salvation, free to those who believe and trust Him, but very expensive for Him to give. The price of that gift was His agonizing death on the cross. You see, the baby in the manger at Christmas was born to die that men might truly live.

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