Wednesday, August 2, 2017

1 TIMOTHY 2:5-6 - POEM

There is only one sovereign, Holy God;
And sinful people could not approach Him.
God required a perfect sacrifice,
The only way that He could accept them.
He sent His only begotten Son,
The Messiah, the anointed One,
Who offered Himself as our ransom.
To die in our place, He had come.
After Jesus became the sacrifice,
The sinless God-man crucified,
He was buried in a borrowed tomb
But was resurrected and glorified.
Now He serves as our Mediator,
Our Advocate before God’s throne.
Jesus is the only Go-between,
There is no other One.
Our sins are covered by His blood,
On our behalf, He intervenes.
When we confess our sin to Him,
He makes us righteous and clean. 

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