Monday, August 21, 2017


The pastor—the shepherd responsible for feeding and caring for the local body of believers, Jesus’ sheep. In smaller churches, this may be one man who is sometimes bi-vocational in order to meet the needs of his family. Larger congregations may have multiple pastors for students, children, worship, etc. all led by the senior “teaching pastor.” Some churches even have the luxury of a “minister of pastoral care” who takes on the hospital and shut-in visits and the calls in the wee hours of the morning from a church member with an emergency or death in the family. Churches pay them as they should because “the workman is worthy of his hire.”

However, do we honor them? I’m not only talking extra pay for extra effort, although that would be nice. Do we show them appreciation for all they do, both seen and unseen? October is “Pastor Appreciation Month” according to the greeting card department of the local Christian book store. You do not have to wait until then to let your minister know how valued he or she is to the family of God. When was the last time you sent a card or even shot an email to your pastor thanking him for ministering to you? Do you let him know when his sermon helps you to identify an area of your life that needs to brought under the Holy Spirit’s control?

People are quick to criticize pastors. We need to be just as quick to encourage them. Who pastors the pastor? I’m off my soapbox now because I need to go send a few emails to the pastoral staff at my church. I hope you will do the same.


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