Monday, August 6, 2018


By the Roving Reporter

Jewish Synagogue: As you may recall, I have been following the itinerant rabbi Jesus of Nazareth. He has been traveling throughout Galilee and Judea sharing what he calls, “the Good News of the Kingdom of God,” while healing and delivering many people along the way.  Jesus is in the habit of attending synagogue services each Sabbath, and is often invited to read the Jewish scriptures and/or teach from them. This particular sabbath was no different until Jesus looked up from the Holy scripture he was explaining and beheld a severely crippled woman. My exclusive interview with this woman and other witnesses follows.

Roving Reporter: Ma’am, tell us why you came to the synagogue today? Had you heard Jesus was there?

Woman: As you saw, I was completely bent double and had been that way for eighteen long years! My only view all day long was my own feet. All people saw of me is the back of my head or my derriere. Made it difficult to hold a conversation with anyone, much less develop close relationships. Plus, my entire health was compromised due to the position I in which I was frozen. My insides were all cramped up making it difficult to breathe, let alone eat!  I hungered for the encouragement of the scripture readings each sabbath but felt unworthy because of the spirit of weakness that oppressed me, keeping me from being a productive member of the community.

Roving Reporter: Did you specifically go there to seek healing from Jesus of Nazareth?

Woman: I went there to worship the Lord God. The word in the streets was that this man, Jesus, was a great prophet and worker of miracles. God Almighty knows I needed a miracle. However, I did not want to approach him, fearing the judgment and reproach I might receive.

Roving Reporter: Then what precipitated your encounter with Jesus, the Healer?

Woman: In the middle of the service, Jesus called me over to Himself.

Bystander: That’s right! She did not make the first move. The Master called out to her.

Woman: I approached him with trepidation, not knowing what to expect. Jesus gently put his hands on me like a father comforting his daughter. Time stood still, and I held my breath as Jesus uttered the words, “Dear woman, you are free. I release you forever from this crippling spirit.”

Roving Reporter: How did you manage the courage to even try standing up straight?

Woman: It was as if his touch connected me to a power source I had never known before. Somehow, I knew that Jesus had the key to my prison, and I was now freed forevermore. I immediately stood up straight and began glorifying God with all of my being.

Bystander: That was an astonishing turn of events! Those of us who have seen her hobbling around town for years were amazed by the loving power Jesus displayed in healing her. However, the ruler of the synagogue put a damper on the entire event.

Roving Reporter: Yes, I heard him rebuke the people for coming for healing on the sabbath. What’s that about?

Bystander #2: According to many rabbis, healing is considered “work” and, therefore, not allowed on God’s Holy Sabbath.

Woman: Jesus placed the synagogue ruler on the hot seat by calling him out as a hypocrite. He pointed out that even the rabbis and synagogue leaders free their animals to get a drink on the Sabbath. Therefore, I, as a “beloved” daughter of Abraham should be freed to drink of the grace of God on the Sabbath. He actually called me “beloved!”

Bystander: Those hypocritical Jewish leaders left with their tails between their legs! Even though they wouldn’t admit it, they knew their view of the Sabbath was not in keeping with God’s command to do good to people.

Bystander #2: The rest of us shouted joyfully and joined the woman who was now standing tall in glorifying God!

Roving Reporter: Thank you all for taking time to speak with me.

I never cease to be amazed by the happenings surrounding this Jesus of Nazareth! Could it be that he really is the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews? Time will tell. For now, I will continue to send reports from the road as Jesus seems to be making his way to Jerusalem. 

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