Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Preserve my life according to your promise.
Preserve my life according to your laws.
Preserve my life according to your love.
Keep me safe from the enemy’s jaws.
You alone are able to redeem me.
You alone have compassion so great.
You alone can look inside and see me.
And for your deliverance I wait.

Preserve My Life

     I remember when I was a child, we were on vacation staying with my grandmother.  She and I were sleeping in the same bedroom.  I woke up during the night and saw a man crossing the backyard, coming toward our window.  I was frozen and speechless with fright; but as he drew nearer I closed my eyes tightly and prayed silently, “Dear Jesus, protect us!”  Just as I heard him trying to get in the window, Grandma snored deeply and loudly.  The man ran away. The next morning my mother thought I must have had a bad dream or was telling her a wild tale to get attention until my dad came in wondering why the screen was torn away from that window on one corner.  Was it a coincidence that Grandma snored at just the right time?  I don’t believe so.  I choose to believe that God answered the prayer of a frightened child and delivered me from harm. 

God in his sovereignty does not always deliver his children from harm. If you are not faint-hearted or weak-stomached, Read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.  Try to find an updated version that includes the stories of Christians who gave their lives because of their faith in the twentieth century. Marvel at the courage given them by the grace of God.  Remember that courage is not the absence of fear but continuing to persevere when fear says to run and hide.  Courage stems from confidence in the grace of God. We can have courage knowing that when we cry out to God, he is able to deliver us.  We also know that if he chooses not to deliver us from harm on this earth, then he is taking us home to be with him.
Not many of us in America in the year 2003 can say that we have been persecuted or have suffered greatly because of our faith. Some may have faced discrimination in the job place or professors in college who delighted in making sport of Christians in front of the entire class.  However, we have not been beaten, imprisoned, or threatened with death.  God has blessed me with acquaintances from other countries who did face this type of persecution and continued to take a bold stand for Christ. I pray if the day comes that I am threatened with physical harm because I follow Christ, the Lord will help me to stand firm in him. May I have confidence that he will preserve my life (if not here, then in heaven) and may I refuse to turn from his statutes.

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