Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Christmas Prayer

Dear Father,

It’s Christmas time again, and there is so much to distract me.
there’s a rehearsal, a musical, or a party almost every night.
There are presents that need to be purchased,
and, of course, they’ll need to be wrapped.
And with all this hustle and bustle,
I long for that “long winter’s nap.”
It’s Christmas time again, and I’m feeling just exactly
like I need to sprout some wings and fly so that I might
keep up with the schedule before me
and make it to each thing on time.
I covet just ten precious minutes
to sit and have peace of mind.

Slow me down.
Help me be still
and to know that You are Lord.
Help me make
the time each day
to meditate on Your word.
Focus me
Your will to see
and draw me near to You.
Be my guide
close by my side
In all that I say and do.

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