Friday, May 20, 2016

Each Part of the Body is Important

Acts 12:20 (VOICE) So now, many members function within the one body. 21 The eye cannot wail at the hand, “I have no need for you,” nor could the head bellow at the feet, “I won’t go one more step with you.” 22 It’s actually the opposite. The members who seem to have the weaker functions are necessary to keep the body moving; 23 the body parts that seem less important we treat as some of the most valuable; and those unfit, untamed, unpresentable members we treat with an even greater modesty. 24 That’s something the more presentable members don’t need. But God designed the body in such a way that greater significance is given to the seemingly insignificant part. 25 That way there should be no division in the body; instead, all the parts mutually depend on and care for one another. 26 If one part is suffering, then all the members suffer alongside it. If one member is honored, then all the members celebrate alongside it.

The church is described as the body of Christ;
Every part is needed for works to be visualized.
As our bodies need eyes, ears, hands, feet, and hearts,
So the body of Christ needs each of its parts.
In the case of Precious Jewels Ministries,
God combines the talents of Susan and me.
She will brainstorm and explain a creative concept,
But when it comes to computer skills, she is inept.
Cerebral palsy limits the use of her fingers,
And she needs to record her ideas while they linger.
So I’m the Lord’s fingers recording her words.
He enables me to type them as fast as they’re heard.
Together we study. Susan has the ministry degrees;
And we both have God’s word hid in our memories.
Again, I am able to look up definition or commentary,
Often because Susan poses an interesting query.
As we each use our God-given gifts and abilities,
We move our ministry from concept to realities.
Do not be disheartened if you seem to be a big toe,
For without that digit, tumbling over the body will go.
Faithfully use the capabilities you possess by God’s grace
And be amazed how He uses you all over the place!

Susie Hale – May 20, 2016

I am the visionary, and Susie is my facilitator. By the way, if you ARE a big toe, I may need your services someday since I no longer have toes or even knees.  Susan Slade

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