Friday, June 24, 2016


Philippians 2 Poem – Susie Hale 1986

Jesus left His kingly throne;
Set aside His rightful glory.
As a tiny babe He came;
Yes, we know the Christmas story.

          But have you thought of what I meant
                For Him to come as just a baby?
        To rely on someone else
                To wrap Him in the swaddling clothes?
        To become not only man,
                But man in his most helpless state?
        Have you thought
                Of the humility this shows?

As He grew to be a man,
He obeyed His heavenly Father;
Then became the sacrifice
For there could not be another.

        But have you thought of what it meant
                For Him to walk to Calvary?
        To lie down for someone else
                To drive the nails into His hands?
        To obey God unto death,
                Not only death but cruelest torture?
        To humbly obey
                The Father’s plan?

The resurrected Christ,
Now restored to all His glory,
Asks of us not just to tell
But to live each day His story.

        Have you thought of what it means
                For us to be like-minded?
        To follow His example
                And to have the mind of Christ?
        To esteem all others better
                Than ourselves and be as servants?
        Next to what He’s done for me
                     It seems a minor sacrifice.

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