Friday, December 22, 2017

LUKE 2:28-32 - THE LIGHT

The Light

Simeon had waited a lifetime
To see the Messiah with his own eyes.
The Lord had told him this would happen
Before the day that he died.
The Spirit led him into the temple
At the precise time of day
That his parents were dedicating
The Babe who had laid on the hay.
Simeon recognized his Savior
And his heart was filled with joy.
He immediately sang prophecy
Concerning this baby Boy.
This Child would bring glory to Israel
But was not for the Jews alone.
He was the Light to guide the Gentiles,
For all believers’ sins to atone.
The star that would guide the Magi
Would continue to shine through the Christ.
He would die on a cross to redeem us,
But nothing could hold back His life.
Since the Father resurrected Jesus,
We, like Simeon, can have complete peace;
For His Light that shines in the darkness
Assures us of joy that will never cease.

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