Friday, May 12, 2017


By Susie Hale and Susan Slade, 2017
Precious Jewels Ministries

Carrying a baby inside for months is one way to become a mother.
However, some women are meant to adopt the child of another.
Others have no “legal children” but mother someone who needs love.
What Christian mothers have in common is found in our Father above.
The Lord demonstrates mothering as He shelters us under His wings.
A mother protects her children from all kinds of harmful things.
Lord Jesus’ love was limitless, self-sacrificing and forever.
A mother goes to great lengths for her child and abandons them never.
A godly mother tells them of Jesus, teaches them Bible verses.
A good example for her children, she lives the attitudes she nurses.
A mother who models Christlikeness will be worthy of praise.
Your children will grow up to bless you for showing God’s love many ways.
A godly mother is infused with strength that comes only from the Lord.
Nurturing children can be a challenge; mothers must abide in God’s word.
In a world that devalues human life, reducing motherhood to a choice.
Embrace the privilege of motherhood and boldly raise your voice
To remind the world God says children are an inheritance and a reward.
They should never be treated as a bother, but be protected and adored.
Embrace the role of mother if you have been so blessed.
If you still can, embrace your mother for all the love that she expressed. 

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