Wednesday, April 4, 2018


God’s Word on God’s Word
Psalm 119

I am to walk according to the law of the Lord,
Living in obedience to God’s holy word.
By following His commands, I keep my way pure.
As I treasure His word, my faith will endure.
I meditate on God’s decrees. He opens my eyes.
His statutes will counsel me and be my delight.
When weary with sorrow, in His word I am strong:
I run in the path of His commands all day long.
I focus on Scripture instead of worthless pursuits,
His precepts produce righteousness as fruit.
As I meditate on our Lord’s decrees,
I find that His precepts are the truth that frees.
God’s decrees will be the theme of my song,
His promises preserve me all my life long.
The Lord is my portion, nothing more do I need.
I live in His love and desire to know His decrees.
God’s law is more precious than silver or gold.
I will obey with all my heart, to Him I will hold.
God made my mind, enabled me to learn.
When I am in need of comfort, to His word I turn.
Through persecution and trials, I hope in His word.
God’s promises are the most trustworthy heard.
His faithfulness continues through all generations.
God established the earth and all of its nations.
I savor the scriptures; like honey they are sweet.
They provide understand for each new path I meet.
Knowledge of God’s word, changed my direction,
I continue to be guided by daily reflection.
The wicked, the Lord will discard like dross;
But my hope is in His word and I will not be lost.
I love God’s commands more than purest gold.
I hate every wrong path, the sin that’s so bold.
Streams of tears flow, for God’s law is not obeyed.
Redeem me from oppression of men, Lord, I pray.
I meditate on Your promises in the middle of the night,
And my hope is in You, Lord, before the dawn’s light.
I am confident God preserves my life in His love
Until the time that He calls me to join Him above.
I have great peace and by Your grace, will not stumble.
You know all about me. Therefore, I am humble.
I will sing of God’s words which are my delight.
I will praise the Lord forever, my Life and my Light.

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