Monday, March 23, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 18

Luke 17:11-19 - Give Thanks

LIVE IT: Thank God for every blessing that you can remember today.

Obviously, if I blogged everything I'm thankful for, you would tire of reading it; and I would suffer carpal tunnel syndrome. So I'm going to list broad categories here that may prompt you to think of your own blessings in the same categories.

Thank you, God, for saving grace.

That, of course, must take first place.

The loving family I grew up in.

My children and my grandchildren.

Faithful friends of many years,

sharing joys and sharing tears.

Newer friends and such good neighbors

doing me so many favors.

My mother's roof over my head,

comfortable furniture, comfortable bed.

Plenty of food upon our table.

Health enough to make me able

to care for Mom as she cared for her mother,

not having to trust her care to another.

Clothing to wear upon my back,

through gifts from friends, I never lack.

A beautiful yard for my enjoyment.

This respite from outside employment.

Confidence in Christ for the years ahead.

Nothing to fear. Nothing to dread.

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