Wednesday, March 11, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 30

Luke 13:10-21 - Live Outside the Box

When I was teaching at Glenview Christian School, I had a spice jar of mustard seeds that I kept in my desk to show the students exactly how tiny they are. One year my 2nd graders decided I should try planting one. I protested that they were processed to be food and had been in my desk for years, so they probably wouldn't grow. The students dared me to try and had great faith that the seeds would grow, so I planted three of them. I explained to them that the type of mustard we have does not grow into trees but that it can take over an entire field if you let it go to seed. Two of my mustard seeds sprouted. When the plants were large enough to survive, I transplanted them from the little plastic cup into our 2nd grade garden. In a few weeks I had two rather large mustard plants beginning to bloom. As I did not want our garden overrun with mustard, I pulled up both plants. I took them home, stripped off the best leaves, and par boiled them. I poured off the first water and boiled them again with a little butter and salt. I took pictures of the process and the final mess of mustard greens on my plate. I reported to the class that our mustard greens were very tasty.

Father, when you show me what you want me to do,
let me not let convention, tradition, or skepticism stand in my way.
Help me to search your word, seek your face,
and do what you show me to do every day.
Take my faith that is so much like a mustard seed,
grow until it takes control of my being.
Let me lose myself in following you,
for the Holy Spirit's control is freeing.

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