Saturday, March 7, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 34

Luke 12:22-34 - Don't Worry, Trust God

This is a timely reminder for me to trust God to provide rather than fret about how to take care of Mom and myself on her income alone. God's word is true and His love everlasting. I can reflect back over my life and remember how he has provided for me in the past. When I first started teaching at Glenview Christian School my salary was $900 per month for the 9 months I taught ($8100/yr) with no income during the summer break. After that first year, I took a leap of faith and moved out of my parent's house. Over the years there my salary increased but never to the level of a public school teacher. But God was faithful to provide. One of my students had a grandmother who lost a drastic amount of weight. She gave me all her fat clothes - filled my car from floorboard to ceiling. I had enough "new" clothes and pajamas that I shared some with another friend who didn't have much either. I think I'm still wearing some of those things about 12 years later! She had great clothes! There was the time I was desperately in need of a retreat but could not afford the $60 to go with our singles. The singles' minister walked over to the school to tell me that someone had paid for my retreat anonymously! Over the years, I've always had food on my table, clothes to wear, and a roof over my head. God is faithful!

So at the present time, I know He'll provide for Mom and me as he has in the past. Mother has experienced this as well. Early in the their marriage, when my older sisters we small, a missionary preached at their church. Daddy told her he felt led to give his entire paycheck to help this missionary continue to reach people. She asked him who was going to feed his own children since they needed that money for groceries, but he was confident God would provide. On the way home, they decided to visit Dad's parents on the spur of the moment. Grandpa and Grandma were glad to see them because they had just purchased a side of beef and didn't have room for all of it in their deep freezer. They gave Dad more meat and vegetables from their garden than he and Mom could have purchased at the store. God is faithful!

What of the future? How will I ever retire since I spent years working in an environment with no retirement plan, spent other years working for the federal government (no Social Security paid in), and am now only taking enough of Mother's monthly income to pay my tithe, insurances, internet, phone, medical bills, with just a small amount left over most months. I cannot worry about that. It would be sin to do so. I need to rely on the fact that God has called me to this ministry of taking care of Mom just as He called me to teach in a Christian school for over 10 years. When the time comes that I can no longer work, God will provide. God is faithful!

Lord, help me to remember
the birds of the air.
They neither sow nor reap,
but are in Your tender care.
Let me reflect on
the flowers of the field.
They neither toil nor spin,
but glorious beauty they yield.
Remind me that being anxious
will not increase my life's span.
I need only to trust in You,
for You hold me in Your hand.
Lord, You know my needs,
and I know You'll provide.
Help me seek first Your kingdom
and on Your grace rely.
Lord, let not my treasure
be stored up in my closet.
But instead teach me
to make a heavenly deposit.

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