Saturday, September 10, 2016


By Susie Hale
Precious Jewels Ministries

It has been 15 years since the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. Many of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing that day. I remember sitting at my desk at Don Davis Auto Group as employees began to arrive telling me what they had heard on the radio. As they ran upstairs to turn on the TV, I began to pray for the people killed and injured. My sister called, and cried out that one of the towers had just disintegrated as she wept. A flood of emotions swept over me, but I remained at my desk working because after a few moments for silent prayer, my boss reminded us that if businesses shut down, the terrorists would win. When I got home that evening, I finally had time to process all the feelings of the day and wrote the poem you see here.
       Now it is 15 years later. We have Homeland Security, increased TSA, color coded alerts. How do we as Christians respond? I believe the Psalm we have studied this weekend gives us some help. We do not need to live in fear. We can lay our heads down and rest peacefully as King David did. We can trust in our Heavenly Father. We do not live in a state of denial because we can see what goes on in the world. However, our security is not found in this world. Our home is held secure for us in Heaven.
       What should we do? We need to pray for our city, state, national, and world leaders. We need to pray for the safety of those who defend us. We need to pray for all first responders. We also need to encourage all of these people and let them know they are prayed for.  
       We need to live boldly, confidently among unbelievers bearing witness to our trust in Jesus Christ. We need to live upright, godly lives that will draw others to faith in Him.
       Our challenge is the same as the one the believers Peter addressed in his first letter. We are to serve Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit as long as He leaves us on this earth as His ambassadors. 

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