Friday, September 2, 2016


Wildflowers Wither, but the Word of God Stands

By Susie Hale, August 11, 2007

Wildflowers wither, but the word of God stands.
History unfolds according to His plans.
Earthly glory is like flowers that bloom then fade away.
Our time here is momentary, to the Father but a day.
In our temporary existence, only Jesus never fails.
In comparison to His word, all other literature pales.
For God’s word is eternal and has spoken through the ages.
All the wisdom that we need for life is found within its pages.
Men’s philosophies come and go, they fluctuate on a whim.
But God’s word remains the same and always points to Him.
Studying God’s word should be priority for man,
For wildflowers wither, but the word of God stands.

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