Saturday, October 22, 2016


aischrŏkĕrdōs147 - sordidly: - for filthy lucre’s sake.

            We don’t use the word lucre much these days, but its derivative, lucrative, is used frequently. I always sense a red flag when someone says, “This could be a really lucrative deal.” I’m sure they mean profitable; but in my mind, there is a connotation of not quite legitimate or possibly taking advantage of someone.
            There are some ministers that appear to shepherd not as servants, but for private gain. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of them in the headlines, sporting large houses and fancy cars purchased with money sent in by their followers. God warns those who shepherd his people to be eager to serve and to lead by example rather than imposing their way on those in their care. I’ve been blessed to have a couple of pastors who really took this passage to heart. I’m pleased to read that they will receive “the crown of glory that will never fade away.”

            Father, thank you for the godly examples I’ve had in many pastors and Sunday school teachers. Thank you for promising them a permanent reward.

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