Sunday, August 14, 2016


I Have Seen the Lord
KSH, 7/29/16

Mary thought it was the gardener when she turned around,
She asked where Jesus’ body was which she had not yet found.
But when the Lord answered her, calling her by name,
She immediately recognized Jesus, and then she exclaimed,
“Rabboni,” which means “my teacher,” and fell at His feet.
Jesus urged her not to cling to Him, giving her a message to repeat
That He would soon be returning to be with God the Father,
But at the first the disciples thought women were a bother.
A woman’s testimony would not hold up in their courts of law,
But Jesus turned the tables when women were the first who saw
The resurrected Savior standing before them in human skin.
According to Mark’s gospel, Jesus reproached those unbelieving men.
Mary Magdalene, who had been delivered from demons by Jesus Christ
Had the extreme privilege to be the first to see Him alive!

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