Sunday, January 1, 2017


By Susie Hale & Susan Slade, Precious Jewels Ministries

An angel appeared to a group of mere shepherds and made the astonishing announcement that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem and gave them the even more surprising news that this Holy Baby would be found sleeping in a feeding trough for animals! Then as quickly as the host of angels had appeared in glorious light, they vanished, and the shepherds were once again alone in the dark. The shepherds, like excited children on Christmas morning, ran to see God’s gift to the world. They found everything exactly like the angel had said. Afterward they did the same thing we did as children – they told the entire neighborhood the best gift they had received – a baby born to be the Messiah. They went back to the drudgery of guarding their sheep but with a newfound awe of the Lord. They praised and glorified God as they returned. I wonder if the sheep could sense the change in their shepherds or if even they were aware that the best Shepherd of all was now living among men? Just as we share about our “best Christmas ever,” I am certain those shepherds passed down the story of the night they found their Savior lying in a manger. I imagine their children and grandchildren, eyes bright with wonder, saying, “Tell it again! Tell about the angels and the Baby!” May the wide-eyed wonder of the Christmas story fill our hearts throughout this New Year!

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