Tuesday, March 31, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 10

Mark 10:35-45 - Lead by Serving

LIVE IT: Commit yourself to serve in every relationship and circumstance.

Too many times we approach a personal, business, or even church home relationship with the attitude, "What can this do for me?" According to Jesus, the question should be, "How can I serve the Lord and others here?" Even those of us who are in the spotlight as preachers, teachers, and worship leaders, need to approach those responsibilities with humility and not for the praise of people. Do I enjoy applause when I sing or speak in a service? Certainly. It gives me the feeling that I've performed to the best of my ability. However, if the applause of people is my only motivation, I have fallen far short of what the Lord has gifted me to do. All glory needs to be given to God and my talents need to be a service to Him and to the hearers/readers. If the attention has been drawn to me rather than to my Lord, I have failed. If I step off the stage or climb off the piano bench and fail to care about, pray for, and if possible meet the needs of my brother or sister, I have failed. The good leader is the servant of those she leads. Father, help me to have a servant's heart today!

Thoughts on Philippians 2:6-8
Humility, servitude, obedience…
Lord, you epitomize all three.
I’m instructed to have the mind of Christ.
Lord, develop these attitudes in me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 11

Luke 18:31-34 - Die to Yourself

LIVE IT: Evaluate your commitment to God's Kingdom today.

Sometimes the poor disciples seem clueless; but as this passage points out, the full meaning of Jesus' words was hidden from them. However, on this side of the cross, looking back, we should understand their meaning completely. Christ predicted his death and resurrection. Jesus died in my place on the cross, but He tells me to die to myself daily and live completely for Him. Complete commitment to the Lord and the work of His Kingdom is something I've grappled with most of my adult life. Many times I fall so terribly short, so I must praise Him for His grace! At the time I wrote the following prayer, my singleness and childlessness were what I struggled to surrender. God has since given my my children and shown me that He is my true love. However, surrender to the Lord is a daily battle. Christ knew that when he instructed us to take up our cross daily. I need to pray each morning that the Lord will show me anything that needs to be turned over to Him in order to bring glory to His Kingdom.

Lord, I try to tell You
What I think is best for me…
a godly, loving husband
and a happy family.
Lord, when will I realize
only You can truly see
what lies in the future
and what You know is best for me.

All I want right now, Lord,
is to give my all for You…
give up everything I own;
do what You’ve called me to do.
The path may not be easy
and my friends, they may be few;
but when the trials You do allow,
You’ve the strength to bring me through.

Keep my eyes on You, Lord,
and not on this world’s gold,
not on earthly pleasures
that can make my heart turn cold.
Help me to remember
that it’s to Your hand I hold.
When I share Your gospel,
through Your Spirit make me bold.

Karen Sue Hale

40 Days to Live - Day 12

Luke 18:18-30 - Give It All Away

LIVE IT: Let go of whatever is impossible for you to give up today.

I recently let go of a possession that I would have thought impossible to give up - my vanity dressing table. But God enabled me to give it to someone who needed it and be joyful in doing so. However, it's much harder to let go of strong opinions and certain attitudes. It's hard to let go of a desire for praise. May the Lord help me to remember that He is my inheritance and I need nothing else.

Jimmy Draper shared a good sermon illustration when he was my pastor. He told us of a type of monkey that can be trapped by placing food it likes in a container with a hole that will allow ithe monkey to get its empty hand in but not be able to pull out his fist once it is full. The monkey WILL NOT let go of his prize and is, therefore, trapped. Today's lesson reminded me of that sermon and the poem I wrote that day. I needed to be reminded not to hold on tight but to give God everything!

Are we like the little monkey
who has his hand so full
that he won’t let go to free himself,
and we think him such a fool?

But in ways aren’t we just like him?
For we hold within our grasp
things that keep us from the Lord,
things that will not last.

It may not be a thing we hold.
It may be an attitude,
something that we should confess
so that we may be renewed.

And yet we hold on tightly
to these items we hold dear,
and we remain trapped in our sin,
in bitterness and fear.

If, in wisdom, we’d let go,
our freedom we would find.
For in giving everything to God,
His peace will fill our minds.

May 11, 1986
Karen Sue Hale

Saturday, March 28, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 13

Luke 18:15-17 - Celebrate Children

LIVE IT: Do something special to pour life into a child today.

I love the simple faith that children exhibit when discussing God. I remember asking a group of 5-yr-olds what they would thank God for if limited to just one thing. One said, "I would thank God for skunks." I asked him why on earth would he be thankful for skunks. He said, "My mom says we are to thank God for everything, and I think that's the hardest thing to thank Him for; so that would be my one thing." He wanted to give his best to God by doing the thing hardest for him. There's some good logic in that. Another child said, "I would thank God for God." Well, that says it all, doesn't it?

In my many years teaching at Glenview Christian School, I was privileged to observe the faith of children. I had one first grader come to me to talk after Bible time. Earlier in the week, we had a lesson on Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden and away from the tree of life. He had asked, "So what's all this talk about that Heaven place, if no one can eat from that tree and get there anymore?" The other students did their best to express the gospel in a nutshell, and I told him to stay tuned for further lessons because Genesis was just the beginning of the story. Now he was demanding to talk to me "while those other kids are busy doing seatwork." He asked questions, and I answered with the good news of salvation. I asked him if he wanted to pray and surrender to Jesus to be the "boss of his life." He said he thought it might make his dad mad (the family was not in church, and as far as I know his father did not profess Christ). I answered him that he might be right: his dad might not be happy about it. He thought for a minute and said, "Well, the way I see it, God is bigger than my dad. Let's pray!" The faith of a child!

More recently, I've had the opportunity to talk to my great-nephew about God. One Sunday after church, he climbed into his car seat singing, "I am so glad that God made me." I said, "I'm glad God made you, too!" He asked, "But Aunt Susie, how did God make me?" I was not sure the birds and bees discussion should be had with a 4-yr-old but plowed on anyway.

"Remember when baby brother was inside Mommy's tummy?"


"God was making baby brother inside Mommy."

"It took a long time."

"It does take a long time for God to put everything together. Then when He was finished, he let baby brother know it was time to come out."

"And baby brother told Mommy, and she went to the hospital and said take him out, he's done."

"That's right. God made you the same way. Inside your Mommy's tummy."

"Oh, okay. I am so glad that God made me!"

I'm so glad he didn't ask how baby brother got inside Mommy's tummy in the first place or why God would choose to do it that way. We've also had conversations about how old God is and why God takes people to heaven when he knows we'll miss them. I pray for wisdom every time I take him to church because I know there will be more questions. I thank God for the privilege of sharing with him and being encouraged by him. Sometimes my nephew's conclusion when he can't quite understand it all is simply, "That's because He's God."

Father, help me to have the faith of a child,
to accept that I don't have to understand.
I simply need to trust in your love,
and know that you have things perfectly planned.

Friday, March 27, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 14

Mark 10:2-12 - Celebrate Marriage

LIVE IT: Sow encouragement into a marriage (especially yours) today.

The Lord spoke strongly against divorce in the passage from Mark. God intended marriage to be for life because he knew that it is a joining not only of two lives but two families. I know the pain of divorce firsthand since my husband left me five days before our first wedding anniversary. I remember walking through my house like a zombie the next day. The firemen thought I was crying because my add-on den was under water. They assured me they could water-vac most of it. The neighbor girl came over to sell magazines for a school fundraiser but stopped in mid-sentence when she saw my tears. She said, "You don't need to hear about magazines today: you need to talk to my mother. Whatever it is, my mom is good with people who are hurting." Praise the Lord for that 13-yr-old girl! She took me by the hand and led me to her mother's bedroom. Then her mother (an evangelist's wife) came and comforted me. She invited me to FBC Euless that Sunday (my 1st wedding anniversary). Jimmy Draper as preaching on reconciliation to God. I realized God was speaking to me through that sermon. No matter what my husband chose to do, I needed to reaffirm my relationship with Christ and yield more completely to His control. I joined the church that morning.

I remember my niece, then 6 years old, asking, "Aunt Susie, doesn't Unlce Steve love us anymore?" I wasn't the only one who felt rejected. How do you explain to a 6-yr-old that he may still love her but wouldn't feel comfortable coming to see her? That makes no sense. If you love someone, you're there for them. But I know I missed Steve's family but would have felt awkward traveling to Esteline to see his granny even though she made clear to me that I was always welcome in her home.

I asked Steve to go to counseling with me, but his mind was made up. At this point, I didn't know there was another woman involved. That lack of knowledge was by the grace of God because I was so weak at that time I might have hurt someone had I known. By the time I found out almost two years later that Steve had remarried four months after the divorce was final, I had undergone much healing from the Lord and learned the importance of forgiveness. God is good. Divorce was not good, nor was it what God intended for my husband and me. Divorce is not God's will for us. However, God has used my singleness for his glory; and I am thankful.

What would I say to my married friends, relatives, and especially my son?

1. Marriage takes committment and hard work. WORK AT IT!
2. Watch the movie "Fireproof", get the "Love Dare" book, and JUST DO IT!
3. Pray for and with your spouse DAILY!
5. Make time for each other even if it means paying a sitter or turning down overtime pay.
6. Talk, REALLY talk and LISTEN to each other. Not just uh-huh and hmmm while watching
TV, playing computer games, or reading. TURN IT OFF AND PUT IT DOWN!
7. Read God's word together or share what He is showing you in your own QUIET TIME.

One of the best illustrations I've ever heard for a Christian marriage involved a ladder. This is the type of ladder than can be climbed on both sides. Imagine the husband climbing one side and the wife the other. At the top is Jesus. If both parties are getting closer to Jesus, they are also getting closer together. If either one goes back down or even stands still while the other continues to climb, they are getting farther apart. Both of you need to keep moving closer to Christlikeness. Being conformed to the image of Christ is always in God's will. Work on your own relationship to the Lord and encourage your spouse in his/her walk.

I wrote the following song many years after my divorce. I was at a retreat and still feeling the rejection and the stigma of being divorced, but God reassured me of his constant love for me through many events at the retreat. So, if you have already been divorced or are currently going through a divorce, know that God still loves you and wants to heal the hurts caused by the sin of unfaithfulness.

I Am His Treasure
Autumn Singles Retreat 1996

When I felt rejected, abandoned, and unloved,
I felt like someone’s garbage on the curb out by the street.
Then Jesus picked me up, held me in His arms,
and whispered that He’d always treasure me.

I am His treasure...He bought me with a price.
He treasures me...He paid with His own life.
The price was costly...The Father gave His Son.
And to think He would have done it if I’d been the only one...
I am His treasure.

I look into the mirror, and I don’t like what I see.
Then Satan whispers to my heart that no one could love me.
But it matters not if anyone ever sees my worth
because Jesus says He’ll always treasure me.


It’s not because of what I’ve done or who I have become.
I did not earn His love through worthy deeds.
For ’though He sees beyond my words and looks into my thoughts,
it’s by God’s grace that Jesus treasures me.


You are His treasure...He bought you with a price.
He treasures you...He paid with His own life.
The price was costly...The Father gave His Son.
And to think He would have done it if you’d been the only one...
You are His treasure.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 15

Luke 18:9-14 - Pharisee

LIVE IT: Confess your sins individually to God - cry out for mercy and humility.

Lord, help me to not be a Pharisee,
comparing myself to others.
Help me to remember the standard
is Jesus Christ, not my brother.
To be holy as You are holy,
I must in humilty,
confess to You my secret sins
that no one else may see.
For when I am truly honest,
I know I fall short of the goal.
Oh Lord, I need You to mold me
and make me completely whole.
Father, I ask for your mercy
and praise You for extending grace.
Conform me to the image of Christ,
and help me to run this race
to the glory of God the Father
in spite of all my sin.
Forgive me, Lord, and cleanse me
that I might begin again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 16

Luke 18:1-8 - Enter His Courts

LIVE IT: Enter God's presence and stay there - all day long

On a singles' retreat, the leader instructed us to leave the morning worship and talk ONLY to God until the afternoon meeting. We were told to read the Bible, pray, sing; but whatever we did, communicate only with the Lord. We were to silent unless praying or singing to the Lord. This was a challenge for many of those in attendance because the social aspect of retreats was high on the list of reasons to attend. This "quiet time" lasted from about 9:00 a.m. until about 2:00 p.m., if I remember correctly. That encompassed lunch. I knew right away that I would have to take my lunch tray to the opposite side of the room, away from all people, if I were to keep silent because normally I could talk the bark off a tree! I chose to read in the Psalms because I always feel very close to God and find much to pray about there. I found myself singing Psalms to God, confessing to Him, pleading for friends, etc. The time passed more quickly than I would have thought and the Holy Spirit moved in my life that day in many ways.

I set aside time to spend with the Lord every day, but rarely an entire afternoon, let alone the entire day. When I was younger, I used to go on "Thee and Me" dates...just go someplace like the botanic gardens and spend time with the Lord for most of the day. Although I can't just hop in the car and go right now, there is no reason I can't spend more time with the Lord. I do pray often while I work in my flower beds or clean house. But I need to take time occasionally to just "Be still and know that He is God." It seems that in times of crisis, I am more apt to do this. I need to learn to do it during the calm times as well.

Lord, please keep me on my knees,

because from that position I can see

that You are truly all I have,

yet You are all I need.

Lord, please keep me on my knees.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 17

Luke 17:20-37 - Lose Your Life

In light of the fact that we do not know when the Lord will return, we should be living each day as if his return will be in the next few moments. Losing my own life by surrendering completely to the Holy Spirit is the way to be prepared. One of my favorite hymns is "Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee." As that hymn says, everything I do should be a result of the impulse of Christ's love for me and for those He would have me minister to. Each breath should be dedicated to His service. Am I there yet? By no means! Each day I need to yield myself anew, and ask the Master to show me how He wants to use me that day.

LIVE IT: Die to your own opinions and desires today for His sake.

The world continues to spin on its axis.
People marry, party, and pay their taxes.
People live in the moment giving no thought
to Jesus the Christ who our pardon bought
by His death on the cross in our place.
They give no thought to the judgment they face.
We who know Jesus should be ready.
We must be serving, calm and steady.
May we dedicate each new day
to serving Christ, dear Lord, I pray.
Show me Your ways, and teach me Your paths,
may I pray with the Psalmis and each day ask
for the strength I need to serve my Lord.
May I daily seek You in Your word.

Monday, March 23, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 18

Luke 17:11-19 - Give Thanks

LIVE IT: Thank God for every blessing that you can remember today.

Obviously, if I blogged everything I'm thankful for, you would tire of reading it; and I would suffer carpal tunnel syndrome. So I'm going to list broad categories here that may prompt you to think of your own blessings in the same categories.

Thank you, God, for saving grace.

That, of course, must take first place.

The loving family I grew up in.

My children and my grandchildren.

Faithful friends of many years,

sharing joys and sharing tears.

Newer friends and such good neighbors

doing me so many favors.

My mother's roof over my head,

comfortable furniture, comfortable bed.

Plenty of food upon our table.

Health enough to make me able

to care for Mom as she cared for her mother,

not having to trust her care to another.

Clothing to wear upon my back,

through gifts from friends, I never lack.

A beautiful yard for my enjoyment.

This respite from outside employment.

Confidence in Christ for the years ahead.

Nothing to fear. Nothing to dread.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 19

John 11:1-44 See the Glory of God

Today we took a detour from the Gospel of Luke and turned to the Gospel of John. We read the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. The Lord waited two days after being notified that Lazarus was sick before journeying to Bethany. He did this so that His disciples and others visiting Mary and Martha could see the glory of God as he raised Lazarus from the dead. Mary and Martha went through four days of grieving the death of their brother, but I'm sure they thought it worth the temporary sorrow once they witnessed the miracle of Jesus raising him from the dead!

I long to see the glory of the Lord

and to glorify God all my days,

to turn away from my own understanding

and learn to walk in His ways.

I know that following Christ is costly,

for I must surrender my all.

But I can trust in my sovereign Lord

who will not allow me to fall.

When days on earth seem bleak and gray;

and God's glory seems hidden from view,

I pray that I'll stand firm in the Lord.

Then my spirit He will renew.

May I never be satisfied

with only a glimpse of God's power.

May God's will and glory be done in me

as I trust in Him hour by hour.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 20

Luke 17:5-10 - Use the Faith You've Got

"The apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith - that trust and confidence that springs from our belief in God. Andthe Lord answred, If you had faith (trust and confidence in God) even as a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, Be pulled up by the roots, and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you." Luke 17:5-6 (Amplified Version)

You can’t go out on a limb for God
unless you’re climbing the tree!
You cannot possibly walk on water
if you’ve never set foot on the sea!
It has been my experience, that our faith, our trust and confidence in God, grows as we exercise it. Remember God's faithfulness to us in a small matter helps us to have faith in Him for the next, larger challenge. I have faith that God will take care of my needs while I care for mother and later on in my retirement years because I exercised faith when I taught at a Christian school for over 10 years. He provided food, clothing, and shelter even when I was living below poverty level. He still provides. Yesterday, I mentioned to Mom that I would like to have a 2nd pair of jeans before I go to Alaska this summer. Last night, our friend Glida from down the street called to tell me a lady had given her some clothes that didn't fit her and asked if I could use a pair of jeans and several pair of shorts! God provided not only the jeans but also shorts for working in the yard as it gets hotter. I have to believe that the same God who sent me jeans, can give me words to witness to the lost, comfort the grieving, and encourage fellow believers. I simply must use the faith I have, make the first step, and rely on God to propel me to the finish line!
I Corinthians 9:24-25 – May 20, 1983

Every runner who strives to win
puts himself into training.
He eats the right foods, sleeps when he should,
and works out with muscles complaining.
If he does all this for a temporal prize,
then how much more should I strive
to eat daily God’s word, rest in the Lord,
and exercise faith to change lives?

Friday, March 20, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 21

Luke 17:11-4 - Actively Forgive

Lord, keep me from being a stumbling block.
Help me never to stand in the way
by being a poor example
in anything I do or say.
Lord, keep me from being judgmental.
Help me never to cut with my words.
Help me to tame my tongue,
refuse to gossip of things seen or heard.
Lord, keep me from unforgiveness.
Help me never refuse to forgive.
For you have forgiven me freely,
given me a new life to live.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 22

Luke 16:19-31 - Believe in Hell

The only thing in life that matters is whether or not Jesus is our Lord. Success, education, riches all fade in comparison with where we will spend eternity. Life on earth is just a mist compared with spending eternity either with our Lord in Heaven or in torment in Hell. Christ died to pay for our sin. If His Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart, drawing you to God through Jesus, then you have the opportunity to be completely controlled by a sovereign but loving Father. In Romans 10:9-11, we read, "...if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heat that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved: for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, 'Whoever belives in Him will not be disappointed.'" The Amplified version renders the word believes as "adheres to, trusts in and relies on" and confesses as "declares openly and speaks out freely his faith". This is not a light confession made just to get "fire insurance" against hell. It is a complete reliance on Christ which will result in His control of your life. There is nothing you can do to earn Heaven. It is a gift you receive from God. Jesus died to make it possible.

Karen Sue Hale
October 7, 1984
He laughs and he acts merry,
yet he’s one heartbeat from Hell.
When his life on earth may end
no one here can tell.

One heartbeat from Hell he walks
and goes to work each day.
He finds time for recreation,
but he finds no time to pray.

This man may be your neighbor.
He may even be your friend.
Have you invested any time
to warn him of the end?

One heartbeat from Hell he sits
and reads the daily news,
and yet the words of life from God
he’ll often times refuse.

Perhaps you are this man who walks
just one heartbeat from Hell.
Please give me just one moment;
hear the news I have to tell.

One heartbeat from Hell you stand
and listen to me now.
There is a way to change your life.
Please let me tell you how.
Jesus Christ has died for you
that you might be set free.
The debt you owe was paid by Him
that day on Calvary.

Confess you are a sinner
and believe that Christ is Lord,
that God has raised Him from the dead
according to His word.

If you’ll pray to Jesus
and yield to Him your life;
he will save you from the fire,
from Hell’s eternal strife.

One heartbeat from Hell you live
for death may come this hour.
This may be the last time
you can call upon God’s power.

Do not waste one second more…
just kneel to God and pray.
Trust in Christ to change your life
and be Heaven bound today!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 23

Luke 16:14-18 - Take God at His Word

It seems that each time I read God's word, I am convicted of some wrong thing I've done or some good thing I've neglected to do. I have the responsibility of having friends who look up to me, and I take that seriously. I do not want anyone to stumble because of disappointment in my behavior. Yet, like all of you, I struggle with sin. No, I've not murdered anyone; but I have harbored ill will toward people. I've not stolen from a person, but there have been times that I've stolen from the Lord by not giving Him all He is due. God looks into our hearts, so we cannot hide wrong motives or the fact that we may dwell on inappropriate thoughts. Praise the Lord that He is slow to anger and gracious in His dealings with His children.

Father, look into my heart and reveal the real me.
If there is any blackness there, help me, Lord, to see.
Purify my heart. Refine me in Your fire.
Conform me to the image of Christ...
let that be my true desire.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 24

Luke 16:1-13 - Be a Wise Steward

My current position as Mom's caregiver gives me added insight into the idea of stewardship. I am a signer on Mom's checking account. I pay all the bills, go to the grocery store, and handle hiring repairmen as needed. Because Daddy was a wise steward of all God provided, our house is paid for, which helps a great deal. However, I must be careful with Mom's money and try to live within her monthly income from Dad's social security and retirement. My sisters and I agree that we need to avoid dipping into her savings as much as possible because we may need it for nursing care or major repairs to the house. My family is counting on me to be a wise steward of mother's funds.

God expects me to be a wise steward as well; and in reality, all that I have is His. Since the decision to give away the dressing table (which by the way has been accomplished), I've been taking stock of other things in my possession that might be given to ministry such as the annual church auction, or donated to the ARC for the use of those affected my mental retardation. I have also decided to begin sending some of my children's books to my grandchildren and giving some to my sisters' grandchildren. I may not be drawing much in the way of salary, but there are still things I can share with others. Because of my parent's good example through the years, I know the importance of tithing even when the amount seems small. God can bless those funds and have them reach farther than I could if I spent them myself.

Sometimes I feel sad that I'm no longer able to give over $300 a month to the church. That's why I really appreciated the "Live It" statement on the study guide today: "Consider that everybreath and moment today belongs to God." It's not just about money. Money is actually a small portion of our stewardship. We need to be good stewards of our LIVES. I am finding more and more ways I can be actively ministering to others with my life right here from home. No excuses! Each breath is HIS!

Each time I breathe, may I exhale praise;

for the air I drew in came from Father.

May I view each moment as a gift from God,

never considering life a bother.

May I be a good steward of the life I've been given,

each step taken to the glory of the Lord.

May I allow Him each day to transform my mind

by spending time with Him through His word.

May the words that I speak edify others,

and never be used to put down.

May the message I share, the seeds that I sow,

fall on listening ears, fertile ground.

Monday, March 16, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 25

Luke 15:1-32 - Look for What's Lost

In all three of the parables in today's passage, someone was looking for something/someone that was lost. Once they found what they were looking for, they rejoiced. It was not that the other things or the other son were not as valuable or moreso than the one that was lost. The rejoicing, especially in the case of the prodigal son, was that something of value had been thought hopelessly lost; and now it/he was returned.

Our brothers and sisters in Christ are dear to us, and we enjoy spending time with other believers. However, if we never go out and seek the lost, how will they hear? What joy might we be missing by failing to share our faith? When someone comes to the Lord or a straying Christian returns, there is great rejoicing in Heaven. We can share in that joy if we are actively involved in spreading the Good News to the lost.

My current situation means that I am not in contact with many people on a day to day basis. However, I am going to make a concientious effort to seek out people with whom I can share Jesus at the grocery store, beauty shop, Sam's Club, etc. when I am able to get out. Most of my neighbors profess Christ, but some are unchurched. Perhaps I can be more forward in inviting them to North Pointe.

Lord, lead me to someone who needs
to hear the Gospel message from me.
Let me be bold to plan some seeds
that might help a blinded soul to see.
Help me to actively seek the lost
and point them to Christ on the cross.
Remind me, Lord, to count the cost
and consider all but You as loss.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 26

Luke 14:25-35 - Carry Your Own Cross

Our student minister, Curt, preached this morning. The challenge was to count the cost and take up your own cross. In the Voice of the Martyrs publication, I read of people persecuted for their faith who have counted the cost and continued to carry the cross. I have friends who are with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua, Indonesia. They and their 5 children have had multiple cases of malaria, endured the flooding of their town, and many other hardships such as not being able to be stateside as their parents age. They have counted the cost and continue to carry the cross. The day may come, sooner than we probably think, when serving Christ in America will be more costly than it is today. If I cannot follow Christ in the relative comfort and ease we have now, how will I possibly remain faithful to Him when times get tough?

I wrote the following poem many years ago after a sermon series by Jimmy Draper, then pastor of First Baptist Church Euless. I once shared it with a group of singles gathered for a Bible study. We were meeting in the one bedroom apartment of our poorest member, seated on the floor for lack of furniture. I turned out the lights, had two guys "confiscate" Bibles as the group came in, and asked everyone to pretend we were meeting in secret. I then read the poem. Afterwards, I asked everyone to share memorized Scripture, hymns, choruses, and personal testamonies all without Bibles or notes.

Karen Sue Hale

What would happen if an army came
and conquered our country and changed its name;
and suddenly all of the laws had been changed,
and it was now a crime to speak Jesus’ name?

What if they took our Bibles away;
made it a crime to worship and pray;
and we’d have to guard every word that we’d say?
Imagine it happened just yesterday…

Imagine the sorrow. Imagine the fear.
perhaps you might muster at least one small tear.
Imagine we’re meeting in secret here,
afraid of losing the ones we hold dear.

How would we comfort each other tonight?
Who has a word that would help in our plight?
Do you know some Scripture? I hope that we might
encourage ourselves in the spiritual fight.

I hope that we have Scripture memorized.
I hope that God’s word is part of our lives.
I hope we know songs and hymns line by line.
What is stored in our hearts, God would now bring to mind.

What if this nightmare were reality?
Would there be enough hope stored within you and me?
What if our Bibles were taken away?
What if it happened just yesterday?

But you say, “This couldn’t happen!” And I pray it never will.
Yet I tell you there’s a greater danger still…

What if the Christians just didn’t care?
They ceased to stand up. They ceased to be wary
of atheist creed and humanist teachers
and dozed apathetically before godly preachers.

What if the church were content to be
just one more wave on philosophy’s sea;
placidly drifting, not stirring the waves?
Not cold, nor hot, “lukewarm,” Christ would say.

What if we saw this sea full of sin
then comfortably watched as our neighbors fell in?
What if we heard the Word preached each Sunday
then promptly forgot it on the way to work Monday?

What if our church were really so dead
that the words of this poem drift over your head,
and you look at the next guy and say, “It’s his fault”?
Yet we’re all so lukewarm we’re neither light nor salt.

Perhaps, it would be better if an army came,
made it a crime to speak Jesus’ name,
and shocked us into the spiritual fight.
Please, brothers and sisters, pretend it could happen tonight.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 27

Luke 14:1-24 - Compel Them to Come

Jesus healed those that others thought unworthy or unclean. He dined with tax collectors and sinners. He encouraged his followers to be humble, stating that the last shall be first and that those who would lead must be the servants of all. He told a parable of a man whose invited guests refused to come to a banquet, so he invited the poor, crippled, and homeless. I'm thankful that North Pointe Baptist has a ministry to reach our neighbors in apartment complexes, sometimes even taking a cookout to them and inviting all to dine. I'm thankful we are involved in prison ministry and helping with a local ministry that meets material needs. Because of my current situation taking care of my mom, it would be difficult for me to be actively involved in these ministries, but I can give them my prayer support and occasionally donate small items. However, I can take Christ outside the church building myself. I can take an encouragement card to the flower lady at the grocery store, share Christ with someone at Sams Club, or invite hurting friends to my home. I can be faithful to witness to those people placed in my path. Christ touched people right where they were, and so should I.

I'll share here a song on this subject that the Lord put in my heart a few years ago. The first impression I had was the title, "Portraits of People". The idea would not leave my head. So I prayed, "What people, Lord?" The answer that came to mind after a few days of diligent prayer was "people the Lord Jesus touched." So I began a study of people that Christ physically touched while here on earth. The result was the following lyric set to the most driving music I've ever written. (I'm usually 1960's folk rockish). When I sing it, I envision the scenes in my mind.

Portraits of People

The boy was so controlled by demons that he threw himself in the fire.

His father came and begged the Master to save his precious boy’s life.

Jesus didn’t say, “Clean him up, and bring him into the church.”

Instead He cast those demons out and touched him right there in the dirt.

Portraits of people for whom Jesus cared...

He’s called us to follow Him and His compassion share.

The woman had been bleeding for twelve terrible years.

She touched the hem of His garment as hope conquered her fears.

Jesus didn’t rebuke her for touching Him although she was “unclean”.

Instead He said, “Your faith has healed you. Daughter, you may go in peace.”

Portraits of people for whom Jesus cared...

He’s called us to follow Him and His compassion share.

He was just the servant of the man who’d have Christ killed,

but when Peter tried to defend our Lord, it was the slave’s blood he spilled.

Jesus did not say to him, “You got what you deserved.”

Instead He put that ear back on healing every vessel and nerve.

Portraits of people for whom Jesus cared...

He’s called us to follow Him and His compassion share.

Perhaps she may be dirty, or maybe he has AIDS...

Someone who’s been in prison or a homeless renegade.

How would Jesus touch them if he were here today?

In my heart I can’t believe He’d turn and walk away!

Portraits of people for whom Jesus cares...

He’s called us to follow Him and His compassion share.

Friday, March 13, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 28

Luke 13:31-35 - Pray for Revival

I own a DVD set that is the book of Matthew dramatized, but is word for word in the NIV version. When Jesus laments over Jerusalem and says he would have liked to gather its children under his wings like a mother hen, he is on the verge of tears. That's how I've always read this, that Christ was mourning their lost state. In 1987, I was studying an old testament passage (wish I'd written down which one) in which the prophet was weeping over his country. I had to ask myself, "Do we ever weep?". Please join me in praying for revival in our own hearts that will spill over to those around us and begin revival of God's people in our nation and an awakening that brings many to repentance.

Karen Sue Hale
February 10, 1987

Do we ever weep
for the nation that is falling,
for the children who are calling,
the teenagers now crying?
And some of them are dying
to find someone who cares enough
to tell them the word “no”.

Do we ever, ever weep
for morality that’s crumbled?
Do we have a heart that’s humbled?
On our knees are we now praying;
or are those only words we’re saying,
thinking someone else will care enough
to follow God and go?

Will we sit and watch
while our world turns from the Father?
Are we too lazy to be bothered?
Wait for someone else to tell them
’cause we don’t think we can “sell” them
on the only One who cared enough
to die, His love to show.

Will we stay content
as church time only Christians?
Never have a sense of mission
for the people out there crying,
for our nation literally dying
for someone just to tell them
there’s a Savior they can know?

Oh, I hope that we’ll rise up
from our knees where we’ve been praying,
listening to the words God’s saying,
marching forth that we might serve Him
(keep in mind we don’t deserve Him);
and we’ll share His plan with others as we go.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 29

Luke 13:22-30 - Face Eternity - see also John 14:6

Lord Jesus, I know I've been redeemed by your blood;
and I pray for friends and family that they, too, might know
that You are the only Door to the Kingdom.
Let my actions and words consistently show
that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
and no one comes to the Father, but by You.
Please use my life to draw others to Your Kingdom.
Let my deeds and words be noble and true.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 30

Luke 13:10-21 - Live Outside the Box

When I was teaching at Glenview Christian School, I had a spice jar of mustard seeds that I kept in my desk to show the students exactly how tiny they are. One year my 2nd graders decided I should try planting one. I protested that they were processed to be food and had been in my desk for years, so they probably wouldn't grow. The students dared me to try and had great faith that the seeds would grow, so I planted three of them. I explained to them that the type of mustard we have does not grow into trees but that it can take over an entire field if you let it go to seed. Two of my mustard seeds sprouted. When the plants were large enough to survive, I transplanted them from the little plastic cup into our 2nd grade garden. In a few weeks I had two rather large mustard plants beginning to bloom. As I did not want our garden overrun with mustard, I pulled up both plants. I took them home, stripped off the best leaves, and par boiled them. I poured off the first water and boiled them again with a little butter and salt. I took pictures of the process and the final mess of mustard greens on my plate. I reported to the class that our mustard greens were very tasty.

Father, when you show me what you want me to do,
let me not let convention, tradition, or skepticism stand in my way.
Help me to search your word, seek your face,
and do what you show me to do every day.
Take my faith that is so much like a mustard seed,
grow until it takes control of my being.
Let me lose myself in following you,
for the Holy Spirit's control is freeing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 31

Luke 13:1-9 - Value People, Bear Fruit

Sometimes I am guilty of measuring myself by what I think I see in other people. When I do this, I am falling short in two ways. First, I'm judging others, and second, I'm measuring myself by a smaller standard than God tells me to. The word says I am to "be holy, for HE is holy." Jesus is the standard I am to follow. I am to trust God to conform me to the image of Christ and not compare myself to others or judge them, but allow God to work in them as well.
Father, Master Gardener, please dig a trench around me.
Fertilize me with your word, let me drink it in.
Help me bear good fruit for you, increase my witness, Lord.
Let me not judge others; and instead, confess my own sin.

Monday, March 9, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 32

Luke 12:49-59 - Understand theTimes

I'm a little later than usual with my writing tonight, but I did read the passage this morning and have thought about it today. The "Live It" instruction was, "Approach today as if you have one month left on the earth." Wow. I'm not sure a followed that, but I thought on it throughout the day. My priorities would definitely change if I were told I had one month left to live this life. I would be much more diligent to share the gospel with everyone I meet and especially with my loved ones. I would cling to things less and value relationships more. I would also make sure everything was in order for whoever would take care of Mom. I would write letters for my granddaughters to read as they got older. I would be in the Word every day without fail. There's really no reason I can't do all of those things now. There is every reason I should because none of us are promised tomorrow. We eagerly await Christ's return but often forget He could call us home with our next breath.

Jesus, help me live each day as if it were my first,
drinking in your creation, having unquenchable thirst
to know you better, serve you more, live life abundantly.
Wake me refreshed each morning, thankful for all you've given me.
Jesus, help me to live each day as if it were my last,
sharing your gospel with everyone before the moment is past.
Not sweating all the small stuff, but focused on eternity.
Lord, focus my eyes on your kingdom and take my mind off me.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 33

Luke 12:35-48 - Be Faithful with Today

Carpe Diem...But for whom am I seizing the day? If I am living only to satisfy my own desires, I am falling short of the glory of God. What would complete obedience look like in my life today? How might I be different, set apart from the crowd? How would this make me better prepared for the Master's return?

Lord, help me to seize the day...
not to satisfy my own desires,
but to be sure I fulfill what You require.
Lord, help me to put the past behind...
repent of every offense and sin,
receive grace and forgiveness, begin again.
Lord, help me to entrust you with my future...
Believe the truth revealed in your word,
Lay my worries beneath the cross of the Lord.
Lord, help me to seize each day...
Identify what you want me to do,
Go in your power and follow it through.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 34

Luke 12:22-34 - Don't Worry, Trust God

This is a timely reminder for me to trust God to provide rather than fret about how to take care of Mom and myself on her income alone. God's word is true and His love everlasting. I can reflect back over my life and remember how he has provided for me in the past. When I first started teaching at Glenview Christian School my salary was $900 per month for the 9 months I taught ($8100/yr) with no income during the summer break. After that first year, I took a leap of faith and moved out of my parent's house. Over the years there my salary increased but never to the level of a public school teacher. But God was faithful to provide. One of my students had a grandmother who lost a drastic amount of weight. She gave me all her fat clothes - filled my car from floorboard to ceiling. I had enough "new" clothes and pajamas that I shared some with another friend who didn't have much either. I think I'm still wearing some of those things about 12 years later! She had great clothes! There was the time I was desperately in need of a retreat but could not afford the $60 to go with our singles. The singles' minister walked over to the school to tell me that someone had paid for my retreat anonymously! Over the years, I've always had food on my table, clothes to wear, and a roof over my head. God is faithful!

So at the present time, I know He'll provide for Mom and me as he has in the past. Mother has experienced this as well. Early in the their marriage, when my older sisters we small, a missionary preached at their church. Daddy told her he felt led to give his entire paycheck to help this missionary continue to reach people. She asked him who was going to feed his own children since they needed that money for groceries, but he was confident God would provide. On the way home, they decided to visit Dad's parents on the spur of the moment. Grandpa and Grandma were glad to see them because they had just purchased a side of beef and didn't have room for all of it in their deep freezer. They gave Dad more meat and vegetables from their garden than he and Mom could have purchased at the store. God is faithful!

What of the future? How will I ever retire since I spent years working in an environment with no retirement plan, spent other years working for the federal government (no Social Security paid in), and am now only taking enough of Mother's monthly income to pay my tithe, insurances, internet, phone, medical bills, with just a small amount left over most months. I cannot worry about that. It would be sin to do so. I need to rely on the fact that God has called me to this ministry of taking care of Mom just as He called me to teach in a Christian school for over 10 years. When the time comes that I can no longer work, God will provide. God is faithful!

Lord, help me to remember
the birds of the air.
They neither sow nor reap,
but are in Your tender care.
Let me reflect on
the flowers of the field.
They neither toil nor spin,
but glorious beauty they yield.
Remind me that being anxious
will not increase my life's span.
I need only to trust in You,
for You hold me in Your hand.
Lord, You know my needs,
and I know You'll provide.
Help me seek first Your kingdom
and on Your grace rely.
Lord, let not my treasure
be stored up in my closet.
But instead teach me
to make a heavenly deposit.

Friday, March 6, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 35

Luke 12:13-21 - Be Rich Toward God

The assignment for today is to "Give away something that you value to someone who needs it." As I read the passage and contemplated what I could give away that someone else might actually be able to use, God brought only one thing to mind...the dressing table stored in my garage. Why is it of value to me? It is the one of two pieces of furniture I still own that I personally chose and paid for. I bought it at an antique store as it was made in 1957, the year I was born. I have treasured it and refused to let go of it for the 8 years I've lived with Mom. I think that is why the Lord brought it to mind.

It is a dark wood, with a curved design, not flat like so much furniture today. It has a large drawer and a small drawer on either side of where you could put a chair in front of the mirror. In the middle there is a sectioned drawer that pulls out, perfectly made for storing cosmetics. That drawer also features a small mirror that lifts up. The large mirror that attaches to the back is beautifully designed. It is a lovely piece in good condition, but I have no place to put it in my mother's house. It would be perfect for someone who does not have room for a large dresser but could use a place to put lingerie, socks, etc. I would not be able to deliver to someone because it does not fit in my car, but I would be happy to give it to someone who could come pick it up. I'll take everything off of it, polish it up, and tighten the screws that hold on the drawer pulls. Perhaps one of my readers knows of a family that could use such an item but is unable to afford to buy one. Please contact me at 7609@att.net if you or someone you know could use this.

The rich man in the parable
made plans to store up what he owned.
"MY crops, MY grain, MY goods"
all of the things he had grown.
Not once did he think of sharing
with those nearby who lacked food.
Not once did he consider
the Lord's command to do good.
His treasure could all be stored in barns,
but he was not rich toward the Lord.
He did not store up treasure in heaven
according to God's holy Word.
Lord, help me be unlike the rich man.
Let me remember that things are not mine.
For all that I have, you've given me
to be used to your glory by your design.
Help me to let go of possessions.
Steer me away from all greed.
Help me never to miss the opportunity
to meet a brother's or sister's need.
Let my wealth not be stored in garages,
but rather treasure your Word in my heart.
Help me lay up treasure in heaven.
Draw me near you never to part.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

40 Days to Live

Day 36 - Luke 12:1-12 - Fear God Alone

Too many times I fail to share Jesus with someone because of fear. Fear of failure, fear of misunderstanding, fear of unacceptance. Somehow it is ingrained in me to worry about what others think. When I do this, I am fearing man. I subscribe to a monthly publication from Voice of the Martyrs. In it I read of brothers and sisters in Christ who have been beaten, burned, tortured because of their proclamation of the Word; and yet they continue to share Jesus to their own peril. How do I dare to tread lightly in a country where I am free to share?! These Christians know what it means to fear God and not man. They truly understand that man may kill their bodies, but God preserves their souls.

Father, you know me intimately,
my inmost thought as well as what I say.
You know I desire to be bold in You.
Help me to do so, I pray.
Remind me that you have the power
to preserve me through any trial.
You remember each tiny sparrow,
and I know You'll take care of Your child.
Lord, rid me of this fear of men;
and help me to fear only You.
Let me boldly proclaim the love of Christ
in all that I say and do.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

40 Days to Live

Day 37 - Luke 11:37-54 - Go Beyond Appearances
The pharisees were guilty of keeping up appearances instead of serving from the heart. They liked to pray loudly, wear large phylacteries (boxes with scripture inside worn on the arm or forehead), sit in the place of honor at gatherings, and anything else that would make them look important and righteous. However, they completely missed the point that our service is not to be seen of men but to be done to the glory of God. They enforced the tiniest detail of the law but forgot the most important commandments - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind...You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37&29 NASV).
The people who have had the greatest impact on my life were those who served quietly in the background and from a heart filled with the Spirit. My parents were like this. Daddy served as a deacon and Sunday school teacher. He also headed up the building and grounds committee of our church when I was in junior high. In his case this meant doing much of the work himself and allowing me to serve alongside him. Mother was the head of the hostess committee, and I was allowed to help her set up the fellowship hall for Wednesday dinners, special gatherings, and wedding receptions. My parents were an excellent example of people who served the Lord with gladness, not to be seen by others, but to please the audience of One. I'm blessed to have such good examples.
My friend, George, from my former church was the person who turned on the heat or air and opened all the doors for Sunday services. He was a quiet man; but when he prayed, you felt the Spirit moving. When he retired from teaching, he became a janitor at the church.
My friend, Susan, often worked behind the scenes during the dinner theaters we performed each summer as an outreach ministry. Her cooking, serving, and cleaning were just as crucial to that ministery as my singing and attempting to dance; but hardly anyone knew she was there. She and my friend, Jennifer, used to carry my keyboard, guitar, and bag of music when we would minister in song at other churches. I was the lead singer and spokesperson, but their physical help and prayer support was what made reaching people possible.
The Lord has blessed me with many friends like this. I would do well to become more like them. Therefore, I'm going to post the lyrics to a song I wrote about them and in honor of all who serve unseen. Matthew 6:6.

You’re not the kind of person to stand in front of a crowd.
You may never preach a sermon, and you barely sing out loud.
Your service for the Lord is often behind the scenes;
and though you’re always hard at work,
people seldom see those things.

But Father sees...and Father knows...
Though your work seems unrewarded,
your heavenly treasure grows.
And someday soon the Lord you’ll meet,
and you’ll have the joy of laying crowns
at our precious Savior’s feet.
Father sees.

You always make the coffee after opening the doors,
and joyfully you carry out so many mundane chores.
The most important work you do is seldom ever seen...
when you do battle for us in prayer upon your knees.


You help prepare the dinner while on the stage I sing.
While I enjoy the crowd’s applause, you clean up everything.
But the thing that others never see
happening several times a week
is the way that you encourage me as the will of God I seek.

But Father sees...and Father knows...
Though your work seems unrewarded,
your heavenly treasure grows.
And someday soon the Lord you’ll meet,
and you’ll have the joy of laying crowns
at our precious Savior’s feet.
Father sees.

I remember as a little girl I’d stand upon your feet,
and then we’d walk together.
Oh, Dad, those times were sweet.
As a teen I helped you as you kept the churchyard clean.
Lovely grounds and building evidence
of a work that seemed unseen.

But Father sees...and Father knows...
Though your work seems unrewarded,
your heavenly treasure grows.
And someday soon the Lord you’ll meet,
and you’ll have the joy of laying crowns
at our precious Savior’s feet.
Father sees.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

40 Days to Live

Day 38 - Luke 11:27-36 Walk in His Marvelous Light

I just went to the optometrist this morning and discussed the possibility that I may develop glaucoma. Therefore, I need to return in 6 months to repeat a test I had today in order to determine whether I need to begin treatment with eye drops. Glaucoma gradually robs a person of vision starting with peripheral and moving in until a tunnel of light is left before becoming blind. However, it's very treatable with drops and, if necessary, surgical procedures. The important thing is to catch it early.

What does all this have to do with our 40 Days to Live study? God, in His grace and perfect timing, knew I would have my eye exam today. It is no coincidence that he gave me food for thought on the day when our instructions included "Confront any darkness that is trying to put out His light in you."

Father, you sent your only begotten Son
to die in payment for my sin.
After three days within the tomb,
You raised Christ to life again.
Wiser than Solomon, greater than Jonah,
the name of Jesus is greatest of all.
Only the Lord Jesus can save me
and make me stand when I'm prone to fall.
I have routine checkups and specialized tests
to prevent my eyes from growing dim.
Only Christ can prevent loss of spiritual sight;
so I must focus my thoughts on Him.
Lord, let your light so shine in me
that others are drawn to Your grace.
Take the lies of the world out of my mind.
Help me to seek only Your face.
Help me to identify darkness early
and remove it by the truth of Your Word.
Help me to be a light to the world,
to lead others to trust in You, Lord.

Monday, March 2, 2009

40 Days to Live

Day 39 - Luke 11:14-26

Without the Holy Spirit, darkness would fill the earth.
Sin would run rampant, men devoid of self control.
For only though the indwelling of Your Spirit in me,
can I remain pure and be made completely whole.
Help me to give the Spirit absolute reign.
Guard my heart and mind, dear Lord.
Unholy thoughts try to lodge in my brain.
Lord cleanse me by the washing of Your Word!

40 Days to Live

Yesterday my pastor, John Tyler, began a 40 day countdown of the final days of Christ. He has provided the congregation a study guide with a passage to read, questions to contemplate, and life changes to make for the next 40 days. The Lord willing, I intend to blog my responses each day. Some things may be too personal to post, but I plan to post what I can each day.

Day 40 - Change the Way You Pray - Luke 11:1-13

Father, help me to constantly remember that you are sovereign.
As your child and servant, I need to seek and submit to Your will.
Daily, may I be thankful for your provision for me.
Physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, I can count on You to fill.
As I wake in the morning, may I submit to You
My expectations, my hopes, and my dreams.
May I extend forgiveness as You've forgiven me.
May my love for others and Your Kingdom on earth be extreme.
With bold humility may I pray, Holy God,
until Your answer You make clearly known.
May I live in the spirit of prayer at all times,
boldly approaching your throne.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, O Lord,
That I might drawer nearer to You.
May others see Jesus as I walk through this world
In all that I say, all that I am, and all that I do.