Sunday, March 8, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 33

Luke 12:35-48 - Be Faithful with Today

Carpe Diem...But for whom am I seizing the day? If I am living only to satisfy my own desires, I am falling short of the glory of God. What would complete obedience look like in my life today? How might I be different, set apart from the crowd? How would this make me better prepared for the Master's return?

Lord, help me to seize the day...
not to satisfy my own desires,
but to be sure I fulfill what You require.
Lord, help me to put the past behind...
repent of every offense and sin,
receive grace and forgiveness, begin again.
Lord, help me to entrust you with my future...
Believe the truth revealed in your word,
Lay my worries beneath the cross of the Lord.
Lord, help me to seize each day...
Identify what you want me to do,
Go in your power and follow it through.

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