Wednesday, March 18, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 23

Luke 16:14-18 - Take God at His Word

It seems that each time I read God's word, I am convicted of some wrong thing I've done or some good thing I've neglected to do. I have the responsibility of having friends who look up to me, and I take that seriously. I do not want anyone to stumble because of disappointment in my behavior. Yet, like all of you, I struggle with sin. No, I've not murdered anyone; but I have harbored ill will toward people. I've not stolen from a person, but there have been times that I've stolen from the Lord by not giving Him all He is due. God looks into our hearts, so we cannot hide wrong motives or the fact that we may dwell on inappropriate thoughts. Praise the Lord that He is slow to anger and gracious in His dealings with His children.

Father, look into my heart and reveal the real me.
If there is any blackness there, help me, Lord, to see.
Purify my heart. Refine me in Your fire.
Conform me to the image of Christ...
let that be my true desire.

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