Tuesday, March 31, 2009

40 Days to Live - Day 10

Mark 10:35-45 - Lead by Serving

LIVE IT: Commit yourself to serve in every relationship and circumstance.

Too many times we approach a personal, business, or even church home relationship with the attitude, "What can this do for me?" According to Jesus, the question should be, "How can I serve the Lord and others here?" Even those of us who are in the spotlight as preachers, teachers, and worship leaders, need to approach those responsibilities with humility and not for the praise of people. Do I enjoy applause when I sing or speak in a service? Certainly. It gives me the feeling that I've performed to the best of my ability. However, if the applause of people is my only motivation, I have fallen far short of what the Lord has gifted me to do. All glory needs to be given to God and my talents need to be a service to Him and to the hearers/readers. If the attention has been drawn to me rather than to my Lord, I have failed. If I step off the stage or climb off the piano bench and fail to care about, pray for, and if possible meet the needs of my brother or sister, I have failed. The good leader is the servant of those she leads. Father, help me to have a servant's heart today!

Thoughts on Philippians 2:6-8
Humility, servitude, obedience…
Lord, you epitomize all three.
I’m instructed to have the mind of Christ.
Lord, develop these attitudes in me.

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